Supporting Us

There are a number of ways in which you can help support the society’s aims and objectives.

Make a donation

With the number of humanitarian activities taken on board by the society we are always in need of monetary help. If you would like to make a donation please contact us or use the secure online donation link below via Paypal. All donations are tax exempt. Radha Madhav Society (UK) is a non-profit UK registered charity organisation.

Arrange Didi Ji’s Lectures

Help us to arrange venues and events in which Didi Ji can shower spiritual knowledge and help aspiring devotees understand the true nature of hinduism. Didi Ji lectures in both Hindi and English.

Arrange Didi Ji’s Sankirtan Programmes

Get in touch with us if you would like to host a sankirtan programme at your residence and encourage relatives, friends, colleagues to do the same. During these events Didi Ji beautifully explains each verse of the sankirtan so the audience gains both spiritual knowledge as well as spiritual upliftment through chanting.

Arrange One-on-One guidance sessions with Didi Ji

Make an appointment for a one-on-one spiritual guidance session with Didi Ji and recommend the same to others. Contact us for further information.

Advertise our events

Let us know if you can help us to advertise DIdi Ji’s lectures, sankirtan programmes and TV broadcasts via word of mouth, newspapers, through temples, Social Media, etc.

Direct people to our website

Make others aware of our website via word of mouth, email, phone call etc. Spread the word.

Volunteer your services

Our society is managed completely by volunteers. We always need help in arranging & planning events as well as other services. Please get in touch with us if you would like to volunteer and we’ll get you involved appropriately.

Call us on Freephone 0800 043 0902 or email us at